Opening Hours

Dunedin Chinese Garden - Hours & location

Opening Hours

10am - 5pm daily

Christmas Day Closed

  2024/25 (GST Inclusive)

Lan Yuan Chinese Garden

Chinese Garden Admission
Adult Admission$11.00
Adult Season Ticket$25.00
Adult Season Ticket renewal$22.00
Child (under 13 years with Adult)  free$0.00
Student or Beneficiary$8.00
Student or Beneficiary Season Ticket$18.00
Student or Beneficiary Season Ticket Renewal$15.00
Hire of Chinese Garden Facilities
Venue Hire - by negotiation depending on the hirer's requirements.

Getting Here

Lan Yuan, Dunedin Chinese Garden is on the corner of Rattray and Cumberland Streets, opposite Queens Gardens and beside the Toitū Otago Settlers Museum. It is within easy walking distance of the Octagon and the Dunedin Railway Station.

The Garden has a free car park and there is on-street parking along all the streets in the area, some paid, some free.  Bus parking is also available in front of the ToitÅ« Otago Settlers Museum.

Map showing location of Dunedin Chinese Garden, Dunedin, New Zealand
